When I first heard the term “A/B Testing” in middle school, I was blown out of my mind for two reasons:

  1. Wow, that’s such a clever phrase, and a good way of figuring out the feasibility of your marketing plan, sales strategy, chemical experiment, or boundaries of how much you can annoy your parents before they get really really mad at you.
  2. That sounds like a lot of work. Who has time, money or the patience for that?

A couple years down the line, in my marketing gig, A/B Testing was an integral part of my job: keywords, ad groups, copywriting, videos, platforms, actors, the whole laundry list. Each test incurred money, time, and the hassle of pulling the lines on other people, and more importantly, there was this gaping feeling of ‘what if I could run multiple tests at once? What if I’m not covering all grounds?’

And I wasn’t.

But then, is anyone? Are you?

Sorry, didn’t mean to put you on the spot – and if you ARE actually covering everything, kudos to you!

What Prevents In-Depth Testing?

Everyone knows it’s not OUR fault we can’t do more complete tests. Running more tests mean more money, more time, and more of everything.

For voice contents, it’s the same thing. Below is the usual timeline for voice content creation, whether it’s a marketing video, radio ads, audiobooks, software & games, etc.

But what if you can:

  • shave off the time to a couple minutes
  • the fee to a few bucks
  • the editing to be done by you on your computer?
Genny by LOVO - Top TTS Platform

LOVO’s Genny allows you to type or upload the text script, choose the voice you want from our library of voices, or request custom voice skins to be curated just for you, edit the script right there on the app, and deploy – for endless reiteration until you are satisfied. Now you don’t have an excuse NOT to do A/Z Test.

A/B, A/Z Testing with Genny AI Voiceovers

Shh, don’t tell your boss yet – try us out, see results, and then brag about it at your performance meeting.

Happy creating!

Make sure to check out these posts, too:
Using Text-to-Speech to Create Social Media Content
A Guide to Using AI Tools in Your Content Creation Flow